The Hamptons


Nestled in the heart of Ghent, Belgium, The Hamptons Boutique Bed and Breakfast is a true haven of classic elegance, adorned with a touch of New York's Hamptons charm. This meticulously renovated manor home has a well-deserved 3.5-star rating. When The Hamptons reached out to Otamiser, our mission was clear: to enhance their visibility and boost their performance on OTAs (online travel agencies). The introduction of Otamiser Booster®️ was a game-changer. The Hamptons were already using a revenue management system before, but our algorithm provided remarkable results on top of that.

Enhancing Visibility

The Otamiser Booster®️ had a transformative effect on The Hamptons' visibility on Compared to the same 30-day timeframe last year, the results were impressive. The property received a remarkable 282.26% increase in customer views in the search results. Additionally, there was an 11.55% rise in customers visiting the property's page during the same 30-day period, further solidifying their online presence.

Impact on Revenue

With the surging demand fueled by the Otamiser Booster®️, The Hamptons was empowered to raise rates and capture a larger share of last-minute reservations. By the end of September, The Hamptons witnessed an astounding 47% increase in revenue in 2023 compared to the same period in the previous year. And in October, the B&B has already matched last year's numbers within the first 13 days of the month.

How it Works

Otamiser Booster®️ consists of a unique algorithm that influences the rankings of OTA platforms, including, Airbnb and Expedia. The main goal is to optimize occupancy rates and revenue. We achieve this by focusing on 951 parameters that play an important role in determining rankings on OTAs.

Otamiser's algorithm Booster®️ ensures that an accommodation is displayed in the highest positions on OTAs, significantly increasing the visibility of the listing. As a result, the implementation of our algorithm creates a remarkable average 24% increase in hotel and B&B revenue and increases occupancy rates by as much as 11% on average.

In Conclusion

At The Hamptons Boutique Bed and Breakfast, the fusion of classic elegance with Hamptons charm, coupled with Otamiser's expertise, has resulted in remarkable success. This exquisite establishment now stands as a prime example of how exceptional service and smart strategies can elevate a property's presence and revenue in the competitive world of hospitality.

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